Scholarship applicants must complete and submit their online application prior to 11:59 (local time) of Day 1 of their respective program.
High school juniors who will attend an American Legion Boys State or Auxiliary Girls State program this summer may be eligible for a higher education scholarship.
The Samsung American Legion Scholarship is available for high school juniors who participate in the current session of American Legion Boys State or Auxiliary Girls State and are direct descendants (or legally adopted children) of wartime veterans eligible for American Legion membership.
Apply to the 2022 Samsung American Legion Scholarship. All applications must be submitted using the online application system. Scholarship applicants must complete and submit their online application prior to 11:59 p.m. (local time) of Day 1 of their respective American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program.
The Samsung scholarship awards up to $10,000 for undergraduate studies (e.g., room and board, tuition and books). Each applicant is selected according to his or her involvement in school and community activities, academic record and financial need.
A Boys and Girls State participant from each state is selected as a finalist for the Samsung American Legion Scholarship. During The American Legion’s Fall Meetings in October, the Committee on Youth Education will select the scholarship winners. All scholarship recipients will be notified of their award by a letter in late October.
- Scholarships