January 25, 2023

Sons, submit your Snapshots and Videos of Service

By The American Legion
Sons, submit your Snapshots and Videos of Service
Sons, submit your Snapshots and Videos of Service

The top entries will receive national awards.

Submissions are still being sought for the Sons of The American Legion’s Snapshots of Service and Videos of Service programs. The best entries will receive national awards.

Entry forms for both programs can be found at Legion.org/Sons/Publications.

Snapshots of Service

Photos submitted to the Snapshots of Service program must represent one of the Four Pillars: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, or Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation.

Any SAL squadron may make up to three submissions for each of the Four Pillars. Each submission must be sent in JPG format and accompanied by the proper forms.

Videos of Service

The new SAL Videos of Service program is open to all SAL members. Video submissions must contain an SAL member or members wearing SAL covers or SAL-branded clothing participating in an activity or event that falls under one of three categories: program support; community engagement; or membership and recruitment.

The video must be no longer than five minutes in length and have been posted on social media. Entries will be judged by the SAL Public and Media Communications Commission on quality, content and branding.

Entries for both the Snapshots of Service and Videos of Service should be submitted by email at sons.public.media+video@gmail.com.

  • Sons