60th Regiment NC Volunteers, Asheville

60th Regiment NC Volunteers, Asheville

The monument sets on a three tier base. The lower base constructed of unfinished granite blocks is eight feet square and topped with finished slabs of white marble. The second and third tiers are of white marble finished on top but with rough sides incised with a thatch pattern except for the inscription areas. The main body of the shaft which contains most of the inscriptions is obelisk shaped. Atop the shaft but below the Minie ball and pine log described below are two elements shaped like castle pediments with the smaller one stacked on top of the larger one. Front, north face: THIS MONUMENT IS ERECTED / COMMEMORATING THE HEROIC / PART TAKEN BY THE / 60TH REGT. N.C. VOLUNTEERS / IN THE GREAT BATTLE OF / CHICKMAUGA / SEPT. 20, 1863. / WHERE IT WAS GIVEN POST / OF HONOR BY / “STATE COMMISSION” APPOINTED / IN 1893. / TO LOCATE THE POSITION OF / EACH N.C. REGT IN THAT / BATTLE AND A MARKER / PLACED ON EAST MARGIN OF / LAFAYETTE PIKE / IN KELLY’S FIELD. / BEARING THIS INSCRIPTION. / THIS MARKS THE SPOT REACHED BY / THE 60TH REGT N.C. VOLUNTEERS ABOUT / ABOUT NOON ON SEPT. 20, 1863. THE FARTHEST / POINT ATTAINED BY CONFEDERATE TROOPS / IN THAT FAMOUS CHARGE.

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Date of Installation:

November 8, 1905

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Veterans of the 60th NC Volunteer Regiment and their Descendants

Memorial War Era(s):



The monuments stands in front of the Buncombe County Courthouse. College St. and Court Plaza, Asheville, NC.


Published on May 17, 2017