Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park, Kernersville

Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park, Kernersville

The main entrance features 12 versions of the U.S. flag that were used throughout the country’s history. A walkway comprised of engraved bricks leads to the centerpiece of the park, a 60-foot tall, 106-ton granite obelisk. At its base is a cascading fountain. The memorial was built to honor all of the members of the armed forces; as such, the obelisk is surrounded by flags and stone markers honoring each branch of the military. Each of the five entrances to the park are flanked by smaller stone markers, each describing a different war in history.

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Date of Installation:

May 31, 2014

Organization Responsible for Installation:

The War Memorial Foundation

Memorial War Era(s):

Persian Gulf


The 8-acre Carolina Field of Honor is located within Triad Park, a large park in Forsyth and Guilford counties. Address is 9652 East Mountain St. Kernersville, NC 27284.

Photo Gallery:

Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park, Kernersville


Published on May 30, 2017