James Stuart Monument, Guilford Courthouse

James Stuart Monument, Guilford Courthouse

This is the only monument at Guilford Battlefield that honors a British soldier. It honors James Stuart (or Stewart), who died here along the third line. It is a marble shaft placed on a granite base and stands nearly six feet tall. James Stuart was a colonel and commander of the Second Guards Battalion during the battle. He was engaged in a duel by Captain John Smith of the First Maryland but was supposedly killed by a bullet shot from a musket in the First Maryland. In 1866 a sword belonging to James Stuart was plowed up in the battlefield at the spot where this monument was erected. However, the location of the sword is unknown today.

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Date of Installation:

January 1, 1895

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Guilford Battleground Company

Memorial War Era(s):



The monument is located off of Historic New Garden Road at the Guilford Courthouse Battlefield National Park in Greensboro, NC.


Published on September 24, 2017