Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

The Veterans Memorial Garden Mission Statement: It is the purpose of the Veteran’s Memorial Garden to honor ALL the men and women through out our nation that have served, are serving and will serve in the armed forces of the United States of America. We are dedicated to encourage and foster patriotism and provide recognition to all veterans for their courage and willingness to give all for their country. This is a work in progress. There are engraved pavers lining a courtyard like area that is surrounded by granite benches. Flag poles displaying the flag of the State of NJ, the POW flag, and the flags of every branch of the military service surround the center flag of the United States of America. There is also an artificial waterfall and pond that is beautifully landscaped with rocks, grasses and flowers. Future plans include a 19 foot tall by 36 foot long granite wall with six, two foot columns.

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Date of Installation:

November 11, 2011

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Jackson Township Memorial Garden, Inc.

Memorial War Era(s):

Persian Gulf


This memorial is located in Jackson Township, NJ, at the intersection of Jackson Mills Rd. and Commodore Blvd.

Photo Gallery:

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden

Veterans Memorial Garden


Published on November 26, 2017