World War II Memorial Flagpole

World War II Memorial Flagpole

A granite based flagpole that was dedicated as a memorial to the township's ten war dead. Engraved into the front of the stone is: "Dedicated to the men of Freehold Township who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II 1941 - 1945 that this flag may ever fly in honor and in peace". It then lists the names of those 10 men who were killed in the war. The back of the stone has a weathered bronze tablet that is inscribed: "In honor of citizens of Freehold Township who served in World War II". A four column list on the tablet names every citizen of Freehold Township who served during the war, with a star next to the names of those who didn't make it back.

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Date of Installation:

November 11, 1948

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Freehold Township Lions Club

Memorial War Era(s):



The memorial is located in Freehold Township, in front of the administrative offices for the Freehold Township School District. The mailing address is: 384 W Main St, Freehold, NJ 07728

Photo Gallery:

World War II Memorial Flagpole

World War II Memorial Flagpole

World War II Memorial Flagpole


Published on November 26, 2017