Scammed in USAF Basic Training

I enjoyed my Basic Training at Lackland AFB. I was nervous the first couple of days, but settled in very fast. I was there for both phases of basic since I was to learn on the job at my first assignment. On the night before going home for a short leave before going to Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas, lights were out and I was falling asleep, one of our drill instructors, Sergeant Hill or Hall, entered loudly and turned on the lights. He informed us that someone in our flight had gotten the other drill instructor in big trouble, but I don't remember his name. He told us that someone in our flight had reported that the other sergeant was abusive to him and he told his parents who followed up on his complaint to officials. He needed money from us to help the sergeant with legal help to keep him from getting a dishonorable discharge. He also said that we would all be held back from leaving until the matter was settled. That scared me and others and we all kicked in some money and he walked out. As far as I and many others were concerned, we liked the other sergeant and didn't want him hurt. The period of training was November 1959 through January 1960. I think we all went back to sleep wondering who did this. It wasn't until this last year that "the dumb light" came on at age 74 and I realized that we were all scammed!