My time in the Marine Corps as a recruit becoming a Marine

The drill instructors made a big impression on me. The DIs wanted to find the weak links in the platoon and build those recruits also into Marines. But almost immediately, my platoon was following every order the DIs gave us. And no one really cared about the unusual names the DIs called us. When the DIs had us running several miles, the platoon always did its duties together. Sometimes the DIs could scare the hell out of me and the rest of the platoon in what we needed to know about warfare. The movies are one thing; after working on a set everyone goes home. Of course, eating chow in the mess hall was a big treat. DIs were known to tell the platoon to eat everything, no wasted food. There were those recruits who literally ate the banana and orange peelings! That was no food wasted.
The Marine Corps drill instructors are a very important part of our national security. The training they give young men, who become United States Marines, to defend the United States of America is part of what keeps America secured with the United States Constitution. Thank God for the drill instructors’ loyalty to what America stands for!