Riding a small bike and putting one foot down when you stop will usually be enough to keep the scooter upright but a bigger bike should be stopped placing both feet on the ground at the same time. Why? Because a slick spot is unforgiving and dangerous. Your one and only foot could lose its grip on the pavement at a stop and if your bike is not vertical because you only put one foot down, gravity could take control and send you to the ground. Also, if you must make a fast departure (to get out of someone’s way for example) it takes more time to do so with one foot down rather than two because you must straighten the bike as you depart and you must lift your right foot off the brake.

As you come to a stop and get all that crazy speed scrubbed down to 2-3 MPH (using both brakes evenly of course) release the rear brake gradually then move both feet to the ground. Do not put your feet down until the bike is fully stopped. Maintain light pressure on the front brake until you have stopped completely and then use your front brake to hold the bike in place. This also activates your brake light and warns others behind you that you have stopped. You can now do a brake light ‘flash-flash’ by simply releasing and squeezing your right hand lever if a vehicle behind you is approaching a little too fast for your comfort.

There are always exceptions to the rule, of course. If you are stopped at a light on a severe incline your right foot belongs on the brake pedal. Similarly, in a panic stop or slide situation you want to stop with your foot still on the rear brake.


ALR Road Captain Post 1, Omaha, Neb.

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