Everything Changed: The VietNam War and American Culture - Lessons Not Learned

This is a study of the war as both mother and daughter to our culture and the resulting mistakes of leadership both then and now. It is a clear call to public (and veteran) participation in the formation of public policy. The book is available in Kindle format on Amazon.

Foreign Correspondent

"Foreign Correspondent" - a new book by Pattie Mosure and Steve Patten Middle East, CBS News, Far East, MIAs, POWs, CIA, War on Terror America does not leave its troops behind. This is a true story of a CBS News reporter striving to maintain that pledge. The book covers this journalist's career over 40 years in wars around the world, including today's war on terror. For more on "Foreign Correspondent," please go to www.leeandgrantinternational.com To order the book, e-mail leeandgrant@leeandgrant.com or call 1-800-533-4726.

Something Will Come Along: Witty Memoirs of a Foreign Service Officer with Nine Children

During World War II, Malcolm Lawrence was a radio operator/gunner with the 94th Bomb Group at Bury St. Edmunds, England. He was on 23 combat missions over Germany and France in a B-17G Flying Fortress bomber. Malcolm has written an enjoyable autobiography entitled "Something Will Come Along: Witty Memoirs of a Foreign Service Officer with Nine Children." His book is carried on Amazon's Kindle at $6.50.

American Spirit a novel by John Janda

I wrote a novel that can be therapeutic for veterans with PTSD.

Airborne School at the "Benning School for Boys"

Excerpts from a soon-to-be-published book, "Paratrooper: My Life with the 101st Airborne Division"

American Spirit a novel by John Janda

Hello, I'm John Janda and I wrote a book called American Spirit that I feel could be truly helpful to veterans with PTSD.

Arctic Warriors

J.B. opened his eyes as the slick slowed, banked left and began its descent. The doors and studded floor were covered in streaks of frost laid on by the ships dash through the frigid arctic air. The nose of the Huey lifted a bit as the pilot flared the ship. The doors slammed back and they jumped into the night, landing on foreign soil. Scanning the tree line they waited. Nothing; the insertion was undetected. J.B. thought, ‘their forest is no different than ours, just across the strip of water separating us, yet for me and mine this one is filled with danger.’ He gathered the squad as the Huey raced away across the Bearing. Now they were alone. Trespassers, come to kill or retrieve a traitor.

Accuracy: A Brief Guide to Precision Shooting

The Author: Frank Troy honed his marksmanship skills at the Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) at Ft. Benning, GA, from 1963-65. Later, collaborating with AMU coach Bill Pullum, he co-authored three highly successful books on competitive shooting. This latest book updates his previous writings and provides new scientific insights into the deep, “invisible” principles of precision marksmanship.

Beads of Water: Finding Relief: Notes and Poems about living 70+ years with PTSD

This book gives anyone a better understanding of PTSD and describes a number of coping mechanisms to help PTSD victims as well as their providers and caretakers.

Animal Land, An Allegorical Fable of WWII

Free digital version (PDF) of book upon request. E-mail whipple1@bellsouth.net. Place "Request Book" in subject line.
