SE5-EP208 Tango Alpha Lima: Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, America’s VetDogs CSO, Brad Hibbard

ASK US ANYTHING We answer questions about eligibility for membership THE INTERVIEW Our guest is Brad Hibbard, Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind and America’s VetDogs Chief Strategy Officer. Brad works with a dedicated group of Assistance Dog Instructors who provide Guide Dogs and Service dogs for civilians, first responders and U.S. Military veterans throughout the United States and Canada. Brad talks about what goes into selecting and training a service dog, discusses the difference between service dogs and emotional support dogs, ADA rules and more. SCUTTLEBUTT Legionnaires, veterans, receive Royal Caribbean treatment during on-board salute. Making Arrangements: planning ahead for your funeral Celebrity Veteran: Pop art icon Roy Lichtenstein SHOW NOTES @AmericasVetDogs

Tango Alpha Lima



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