SE4-EP152 Tango Alpha Lima: Best Medicine Brigade with Robin Phoenix Johnson and Doug Bennett

IN THE NEWS New VA mission statement recognizes sacred commitment to all Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors THIS WEEK'S GUESTS Robin Phoenix Johnson is an Army veteran, comedian and CEO of the Best Medicine Brigade, where she gives veteran and military spouse comedians performance opportunities. She is also president of her non-profit organization, HEAL*ARIOUS, a humor therapy program for veterans. Robin and Marine Corp veteran and Best Medicine Brigade comedian Doug Bennett talk about comedy as therapy and the Operation HEAL*ARIOUS Comedy Competition sponsored by The American Legion. RAPID FIRE A call for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make amends for omission of actor, Army veteran and American Legion member Paul Sorvino from the "In Memoriam" program during the Oscars Woman complains about military-themed candles to shop attendant, who is a veteran. American Legion Post in Georgia donates 50th vehicle to veterans in need. SHOW NOTES @bestmedicinebrigade6707 @douglasbennett1893

Tango Alpha Lima



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